Our Ultimate Pride Playlist
Pride Month is almost over, but we’re gay as fuck all year round. Last week, the partner of a Boshemia Babe live texted them a rundown of MTV’s Top 50 Gay Anthems that was playing in the bar they were in. The list, dear reader, was frankly abysmal. It was a hate crime all by itself. KATY PERRY in the top 5??? In PRIDE MONTH??? Homophobic tbh.
So, inspired by our outright rage at the neglect of decades of queer bangers in this one niche list, we decided to rank our own personal favourites. You’re welcome.
You can find ALL these songs on our PRIDE PLAYLIST here.
Producer JakeMy music taste is aggressively straight, I’m afraid. This is why I feel like an intruder at Pride.
What did we miss? Probably lots! Tweet us!