Posts in Fiction
The Library on the Edge of the Night, Part 2

The three of them sat together outside the library in that little dark crevice of the universe, watching the lights in the sky, whilst a song about home wafted in the air. Tallis glanced over their shoulder for a moment at the building behind. Eleison’s library was still nowhere near as grand as a good chunk of those Tallis had seen. But it didn’t need to be. It had books.

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The Library on the Edge of the Night | Part 1

People had pretty soon decided that there wasn’t much else worth exploring in the vast empty stretch of space beyond, which people called the Night, and attention had moved elsewhere. Not for the first time, Tallis groaned inwardly and forced themself to remember that they were lucky to still be employed by the Librarians’ Guild at all after the unfortunate Charlotte Brontë incident. This posting was just something they were going to have to endure for a while.

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I’m sure that once, not so long ago, this green grow-pot was the perfect size and shape and fit for those poor roots. It’s nobody’s fault – plants grow. This one was just long overdue.

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Life, FictionL
The Midnight Curse

For four years, the curse had endured and none knew where it had begun. Carolina swung her eyes back towards the town streets; very few people were outdoors and the dust swirled in low curls over the cobbles. Torches and lamps were snubbed out - the town had kept to a schedule of time, which included when to sleep, if only to maintain a routine.

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