My Pussy, My Power // The Final Wave of the Feminist Movement

Guest writer Margaret Mitchell Faiver is a recent graduate of Shepherd University and is currently pursuing graduate studies towards an MFA degree in creative writing at Miami University, Oxford, Ohio. Margaret is a frequent presenter at literary conferences, including the National Undergraduate Literary Conference in Ogden, Utah. Several of her pieces have been published in Sans Merci Literary & Art magazine. This is her first post for Boshemia.

After sixty-seven years of life being told over and over again what my role and place as a woman is in American society, I have heard the call to action. As women, we sometimes find it difficult to stand together, to support one another, because in doing so, we risk alienating the affection of men. From our earliest beginnings, we are taught that our self-esteem rises or falls based upon whether or not men find us attractive. As we have seen in the recent election, a woman voicing a strong opinion, striving to achieve a position for which she is the most qualified, is disparaged and labeled “unfit to lead,” “a liar,” and “nasty.” How dare a woman be nasty! I only wish the attacks upon Hillary Clinton had stopped there. But, sadly, they did not and many Americans, including women, chose to elect a man who feels justified as a “rock star” in grabbing any woman he wishes by her pussy.

I have asked myself over and over what the results of this election reveal about our society. One fact is clear. It is time for America to hear women roar. We are more than our bodies, more than objects of sexual innuendo and harassment. We are strong, intelligent, human beings who can accomplish more individually and together than even we are aware. Enough is enough. Sexual harassment is not acceptable in a civilized society. Rape is not acceptable in a civilized society. Groping a woman is not acceptable in a civilized society, even if it is the elected leader of a society doing the groping. I encourage all women to stand together, not with our ankles crossed as if we were little girls in grade school, a stance that is stereotypical of a man’s sexual arousal by a woman dressed in a school uniform, but as mature women. Instead of placing your hand on your hip to draw attention to the feminine form, raise your arm high above your head holding a placard in protest of the disparagement of women. We do not have to be “sugar and spice and everything nice.” Rather, I believe our strength is found by telling it like it is – speaking the “nasty” words we have heard used to make our point crystal clear: "Hands off – My Pussy – My Power."

Let us join our voices in support of one another, and all individuals here and around the world who are discriminated against because of gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, age, or religious persuasion. It is time – it is past time – for the final wave of feminism, a movement which by its very nature embraces and nurtures equality and respect for all human beings, to move across this nation and be heard around the world. Let our raised voices overpower the message America sent on November 8th. We are women and we will be heard!


Listen here to hear more about the Pussy Grabs Back movement.

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Read here about the latest protests efforts against the Trump presidency.